Q & A

What is the recommended use for the package?

  • Be more specific in your search for better result. Try to include -v, -m, -e, -f options in your search.
  • If the user is interested to download 30 models, for 4 different variables, with 5 different experiments; it is suggested to chunk them out into…let’s say, 30 models for 1 variable, and 1 experiment.
  • Users can always run a separate chunk (for a different variable/experiment) on different terminal tabs (maximum 4 connections are allowed through ESGF).

Can I use a bash/loop script to automate the process?

  • Yes! This is why the CLI system works really well.

A simple bash script may look like this



        acccmip6 -o D -v mmrso4,mmrbc,mmroa,mmrdust,mmrss,mmrpm2p5 -f mon -e piControl -m $i -yr 50 -dir /download_dir/

What can I do when my download is stuck or slow?

  • The package has a built-in method that would skip to the next file if the current download speed is below 0.08 MB/s or the download is stuck (no response from the server) for more than 5 minutes.
  • Impatient users can use cntl+c to end the process and re-run the same command. It will skip over the already downloaded files.
  • If there’s one model or variable that is giving you a hard time, you can always skip that item using the -skip argument.

Download stuck or slow

vas_Amon_CNRM-ESM2-1_historical_r1i1p1f2_gr_185001-201412.nc is available!

Downloading  5% |██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| 10/195MB 0.08 MB/s
download too slow! retrying...
Removing file . . .

During download, some files were skipped because of slow downloading speed. How can I retrieve those files?

  • You will get a message about how many files were downloaded (e.g. n out of m files). You can download those (m-n) files just by re-running the command.

Is it possible to select a specific variant label? For instance, can I select only ‘r1i1p1f1’ out of ‘r1i1p1f1’, ‘r1i1p1f2’ and ‘r1i1p2f1’?

  • Yes, the package is designed to download all available realizations with -rlzn option regardless of the variant. If you do not want to download a certain variant you can always use the ‘skip’ option.
  • For instance, if you do not want the latter 2 variants in the example question, add -skip 1p2,1f2 in your command line.
  • This is also usable for any other cases, such as, choosing the grid option. For instance, using -skip _gr_ will only download available gn (native grid) data.

Can I download or search data within a specific time period?

  • Yes, using the -yr option. Checkout the extra arguments.

Some files are not downloading after showing a 401 Unauthorized error! How can I download those files?

  • This is a common server issue found in CMIPs. acccmip6 produces an error and skips over these files by producing

    <<401 Unauthorized: restricted access!!>>
    From ESGF: Before you can download this data, you have to join a data access control group
    since acknowledgement of a policy is a condition for this data download.
    Requires registration/manual download . . . :(
  • It stores all unresolved files to a wget script in the same download directory once the download finishes.

  • You can then use that script with your openid and password with -H option (e.g. ./wget_script -H).